Ahmed Faik, PhD
Department Chair & Assistant Professor,
Computer Science & Engineering
email: afaik@jcsu.edu
office: 704-378-1125
Ahmed Faik, D.Phil., is an assistant professor of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Johnson C Smith University (JCSU). Dr. Faik started working at the department of CSE at JCSU in January of 2000. He currently has the role of Instructor/Advisor. In this Instructor/Advisor role Dr. Faik has the responsibility of advising and assisting all the students pursuing one of the three majors in the CSE department, in addition to teaching CSE courses at various levels. Dr. Faik has also taught electrical engineering and Physics courses at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and ITT Technical Institute.
D.Phil. in Physics (Optoelectronics), Sussex University, England, 1984.
B.Sc. in Physics major with minor in Mathematics, Sussex University, England, 1979.
24 graduate hours in Computer Science and Electronics University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2003.