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Chengeto A. Moyana

Minor in Sustainability

Johnson C. Smith University
Charlotte, N.C.


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Chengeto A. Moyana is a senior from Mutare, Zimbabwe. Ms. Moyana is majoring in Biology and is currently exploring options to pursue biotechnology or other health related opportunities after graduation. Chengeto is also a member of the JCSU women’s tennis team. We are pleased to have Chengeto work with us at Sustainability Village, and it has been a pleasure to have her in our sustainability classes where she has had the opportunity to consider sustainability from a global perspective. About the Sustainability minor at JCSU Chengeto stated “I recently declared a minor in Sustainability and it’s been a great experience so far. I really like the knowledge that comes with the classes. I have always been interested in changing the way people see issues like pollution and global warming. Therefore, this minor will be a step closer to me helping with some of the global issues".

Chengeto was also a student participant in a collaborative ideation project between CRES, Trane Technology Operation Possible, and Strategic Energy Solutions (SEI), where we developed strategies to build capacity for JCSU’s recycling initiatives. 


In terms of research, Chengeto has worked directly with Dr. Tracy Brown in JCSU’s Chemistry program, where she worked on a Senior Investigative Paper (SIP) entitled “Investigating the Thermal Properties of Cellulosic materials with the DSC and TGA. Chengeto managed to obtain Course Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURES) using high-tech, modern -day instrumentation, including a Rheometer, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) to study and understand the thermal and theological behaviors of organic and polymeric compounds. She also had the honor to work with scientists at Vertex Pharmaceuticals during the summer of 2022 as a Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics intern. This opportunity exposed her to the biotech industry where she learned about the process of drug discovery.








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